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Dispelling the Myth: Hormones and Breast Cancer—The Truth Behind Hormone Treatment

learning the truth about hormone treatment in St. George

When it comes to hormone treatment, many of us are hesitant, largely due to the lingering fear that hormones cause cancer, particularly breast cancer. This belief has been perpetuated for years, causing unnecessary anxiety and preventing individuals from seeking treatments that could significantly improve their quality of life. However, the truth about hormones and their relationship to cancer is far more complex and nuanced than the fear-driven myths suggest. Today, I want to dispel these myths and provide you with evidence-based information on how hormones, when used correctly, can be a crucial part of your healthcare regimen.

The Myth of Hormones Causing Cancer

The belief that hormones cause cancer, particularly breast cancer, stems from studies conducted decades ago that have since been re-evaluated and, in many cases, debunked. The most significant contributor to this myth was the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study published in 2002, which suggested a link between hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and an increased risk of breast cancer. However, it’s important to understand that this study had several limitations, including the types of hormones used, the age of the participants, and the duration of hormone use.

More recent studies have clarified that the relationship between hormones and cancer is not as straightforward as once thought. For example, bioidentical hormones, which are structurally identical to the hormones produced by our bodies, have not been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer in the same way as the synthetic hormones used in the WHI study. Additionally, many researchers now believe that factors such as the timing of hormone therapy initiation, dosage, and individual health profiles play a critical role in determining cancer risk.

The Benefits of Hormones in Treatment

Hormones are vital regulators in our bodies, influencing everything from mood and energy levels to bone density and cardiovascular health. When hormone levels are balanced, they contribute to overall well-being. However, as we age, hormone levels naturally decline, leading to various symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, decreased libido, and even depression. Hormone treatment, particularly when personalized and closely monitored, can help alleviate these symptoms and improve quality of life.

For women experiencing menopause, hormone therapy can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures. Hormone therapy can also alleviate severe menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. These benefits are not limited to women; men experiencing low testosterone levels can also benefit from hormone therapy, which can help improve mood, energy levels, and sexual function.

It’s important to highlight that the type of hormone therapy, the timing, and the individual’s health status all play a role in determining the therapy’s safety and effectiveness. When hormone therapy is administered under the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner who understands the nuances of functional medicine, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Hormone Treatment in St. George

At Astra Health and Wellness, we take a holistic approach to hormone treatment. We understand that every individual is unique, and so are their hormone needs. This is why we offer personalized hormone treatment plans tailored to your specific health profile, lifestyle, and goals. Whether you’re struggling with menopausal symptoms, low testosterone, or other hormone-related issues, we’re here to help you find relief and regain your vitality.

Our approach involves a thorough assessment of your hormone levels through advanced testing. We look at not just your hormone levels but also other factors such as your adrenal function, thyroid health, and overall metabolic state. This comprehensive evaluation allows us to create a treatment plan that addresses the root causes of your symptoms rather than just masking them.

In addition to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), we offer lifestyle and nutritional guidance to support your hormone health. We believe that hormone therapy should be a part of a broader wellness strategy that includes proper nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep. This integrative approach helps ensure that your hormone levels remain balanced and that you enjoy optimal health and well-being.

Addressing Concerns and Misinformation

One of the most common concerns we hear from patients is the fear of hormones causing cancer. As mentioned earlier, this fear is based on outdated and incomplete information. Modern research, particularly studies focusing on bioidentical hormones, shows that when administered correctly, hormone therapy does not increase cancer risk. In fact, some studies suggest that hormone therapy may reduce the risk of certain cancers when used appropriately.

For instance, estrogen alone (without progestin) has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women who have had a hysterectomy. Furthermore, hormone therapy has protective effects against colon cancer and helps maintain bone density, reducing the risk of fractures. The key is to use hormone therapy in a way that aligns with your body’s natural rhythms and needs, which is precisely what we do at Astra Health and Wellness.

We also understand that every patient is different, which is why we take the time to educate you about the benefits and risks of hormone therapy. We want you to feel confident and informed about your treatment choices. Our goal is to empower you to make decisions that support your health and well-being.

Schedule a Discovery Call

The myth that hormones cause cancer has caused many to miss out on the benefits of hormone therapy. However, the reality is that when used correctly, hormones can play a crucial role in maintaining health and well-being as we age. At Astra Health and Wellness, we are committed to providing safe, effective hormone treatment tailored to your unique needs. Don’t let outdated fears keep you from living your best life.

If you’re interested in exploring how hormone treatment can help you, I invite you to schedule a discovery call with me today. Let’s work together to create a personalized plan that supports your health and vitality.

To schedule your discovery call, contact Astra Health and Wellness, at 435-565-1384. You can also visit us here to schedule your discovery call. I look forward to supporting your journey to optimal wellness.


  1. Rossouw, J. E., Anderson, G. L., Prentice, R. L., et al. (2002). “Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: Principal results from the Women’s Health Initiative randomized controlled trial.” JAMA, 288(3), 321-333.
  2. Fournier, A., Berrino, F., Clavel-Chapelon, F. (2008). “Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies: Results from the E3N cohort study.” Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 107(1), 103-111.
  3. L’Hermite, M., Simoncini, T., Fuller, S., Genazzani, A. R. (2008). “Could transdermal estradiol + progesterone be a safer postmenopausal HRT?” A review. Maturitas, 60(3-4), 185-201.
  4. Smith, D. C., Prentice, R., Thompson, D. J., Herrmann, W. L. (1975). “Association of exogenous estrogen and endometrial carcinoma.” New England Journal of Medicine, 293(23), 1164-1167.


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